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How To Pursue Blogging As A Career? Get Started

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Is blogging a good career? Blogging is an excellent way to build a personal brand, market yourself, and work from anywhere. It is something many people do as a side hustle to their full-time employment or college studies. 

There are many types of blogging and content writers how build a successful workflow while attracting readers. Such as personal blogging, business blogging, and career blogging.

What is a Blog?

A blog is a website that features articles written by an individual or group of individuals. Blog articles can cover various topics, or they can be in one blogging topical segment. WordPress, Tumblr, Squarespace, or Blogger, are the usual platforms that power blogs.

Some pursue blogging to express oneself and share ideas with others. Blogging can also be a great career choice for those who want to be in the influencer industry. Or anyone who wants to make a living out of blogging.

Whatever type of blog you write, it is important to stay on topic but also adapt to changes. Blog freelancers must remember that they are writing for an audience. They need their blog content to provide valuable information to readers, while also focusing on search engine optimization.

Can Blogging be a Career?

People are turning to blogging as a hobby or to improve writing skills. But, there are many examples of people who left their traditional careers to do blogging as a career. So, yes blogging can become a career. Why do people leave their day jobs and start a blog?

  • People are looking for a way to have more creative control over their careers. They want to do what they love and not have to worry about the constraints of a 9-5 job.
  • In today’s, economic upheaval, the cost of living is rising, but salaries are not. People, thus, want a side hustle to earn money online and passive income.
  • People may have a passion for a topic or are experts in a field and want to share their knowledge. So, they start a blog providing resources about a blog topic that they know about.
  • Blogging is a great way for people to explore their passions and get paid for them. You can make money through ads, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts. You can even pivot your blogging hobby and run an e-commerce store on their blogging platforms.
  • In the past, people who wanted to write for a living became journalists or authors. However, with the rise of the internet, there is now a third option: blogging. Blogging is writing on any topic, from fashion to food to politics.
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Guidelines to Becoming a Professional Blogger

Here’s the thing, blogging can be a very flexible career. Some blog writers work for themselves. Setting their work hours and choosing the topics that interest them.

Others work for larger companies or as blogging freelancers. Collaborating with other writers and contributing to team projects.

No matter what approach you take, blogging can be a great way to make a living as a writer. Here are some blogging guidelines to get you started doing blogging as a side hustle or career.

01. Choose a Blogging Niche

The first thing you should do is to come up with an idea for a blog. You can also use an existing business idea and make it better.

What sets professional blogging apart from other forms of writing is its informality and personal nature. Most blog articles are in the first person. It focuses on the blogger’s personal experiences and opinions. This makes them more relatable and engaging than more traditional forms of writing.

Popular Blogging Niche ideas

A blogger can blog about several blogging different topics under one domain name. Alternatively, you could choose a specific topic area such as beauty or travel. Then write about topics specific to those industries. Here are some other great blogging niche ideas.

Digital Marketing Blogs

A digital marketing blog can be about anything related to marketing and the internet. You could write about how to use social media to market your business. Or how to create a website that sells products associated with digital marketing. 

Personal Development Blogs

A personal development blogging niche covers things about improving different areas of life. This umbrella topic has many sub-niches and topics to blog about. You can talk about things such as your career, health, or relationships.

Exercise And Fitness Blogs

A blog about fitness could focus on topics like tips for working out and exercise routines. It can cover healthy lifestyles and recipes for healthy eating. Also, articles about ways to stay motivated to be active.

02. Write a Business Plan

A business plan is a document that describes a business and its strategies for growth. It includes information about the company’s products and services, its target market, how it will generate income, and its long-term goals. If you are going to do blogging as a business, give it all the formalities you would give a traditional business. So, from the start, have a business plan. Your business plan should explain what your blog is about.

Important parts of a business plan

Create a business plan that includes all the details about your blog. 

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a shortened version of a longer report. It is a quick overview of the most important points in the business plan. So that people can get a general idea of what it is about without having to read the whole thing.

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Business Description

A business description tells people what your company does. It might include things like what your company makes, what services you offer, and what your company’s goals are.

The Competitive Analysis 

This section of the business plan describes the competition the proposed business will have. As well as how the proposed business plans to compete.

Your business plan should also include a mission statement, marketing strategies, financial projections, etc.

03. Set up a Business Legal Structure

Some people who do blogging as a career, wait until they generate income before doing this step. If at the onset, your intention is for your blogging side hustle to be your career, register your business.

Determine the type of legal structure your blogging business will fall under. Such as sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC). 

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business where one person owns and runs it. As a self-employed individual you are responsible for all the profits and losses of the business.

Partnership Business

A partnership business is when two or more people work together to run a company. They share the responsibilities and profits equally.


A corporation is a type of business owned by a group of people. The people who own the corporation are shareholders. In this business model, the corporation can make money and the shareholders can get money back.

Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company is a business where the owners are not personally responsible for any debts the company may have.

What role does Analytics Play in the Blogging Journey?

Analytics plays a crucial role in the journey of blogging by offering insights into audience behavior and content performance.

Through tracking metrics like page views, bounce rates, and engagement times, blog authors can understand what content resonates most with their readers. 

This data helps in optimizing future posts, enhancing user experience, and increasing overall traffic.

Additionally, blog owners get to identify trends, adapt strategies, and allocate resources more effectively, ensuring the growth and success of their blogs

Be Serious About Blogging

Anyone can start a blog. So, the blogosphere is tarnished with full-time bloggers that do not produce informative content.

Hence, bloggers may think that blogging is a get-rich-quick scheme and they may want to start different blogs to earn online. However, blogs is a place where readers learn and find inspiration and it demands for quality content. 

But it takes dedication and commitment to maintain a successful blog over the long term. If you’re serious about blogging, there are a few key things you need to do. 

First, you need to find your niche and build a loyal audience.

You can’t be all things to all people. So it’s important to focus on a particular topic or audience and become an expert in that area. In all forms of blogging industry and content creation good bloggers must write high-quality content. 

Also, you need to keep your content fresh and interesting. Your readers will become bored if they cannot find new content on your blog. So, don’t regurgitate the same old information day after day. If you can write in a unique voice that will attract people to read your blog, you can find a rewarding career blogging.

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You need to promote your blog through social media platforms and other means. A blog is only as successful as the effort you put into it. Generating a strong online presence in the digital landscape will take work. If you are serious about blogging, make sure you’re willing to put in the work. 

Google SERPs and the likes only prioritizes a fast website and streamlined content. Therefore create optimized content. Have the ability to adapt and diversify your SEO techniques and you will enjoy this lucrative and viable career option.

Full-time bloggers also find success while networking with other bloggers within your niche. Whether you do guest blogging or sponsored content on your site and off site add networking with other professional bloggers a a critical part of your work schedule. 

Key Takeaways

Blogging isn’t a get rich plot, though a freelancer may earn a lot of money.

How to do blogging as a career? Blogging is a great way industry professionals build a personal brand, enhance your blogging skills, share tips, set your own schedule, and develop a unique voice. But it is also something you can do to make a living online when you successfully monetize content for web search tools. 

Hence, many people are quitting day jobs to do blogging as a profession. The first things you need to do to start a blog online are:

  • Choose a blogging niche.
  • Write a business plan.
  • Setup a business legal structure.
  • Be serious about blogging and only join this career if you have a passion for writing.

Final tip: Bloggers often forget about self-care, as they put a lot of effort into finding actionable ways to write content for search engines and explore various techniques to increase the blogs traffic. However, strong self-management will help freelancers to maintain mental stability and a good writing schedule.

Turning Your Blogging Hobby into Money Online (FAQ)

1. What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a profitable strategy that involves using partners to earn commission for promoting products or services of other companies.

2. How can I create quality content?

Content involves different writing styles and types, graphic design, and videos. Creating top posts involves developing unique ideas, conducting thorough research, writing compelling articles, and incorporating relevant keywords for organic optimization purposes. 

3. Is blogging a good career choice?

Blogging in the longer-term can indeed be a viable career option if you are passionate about writing and are dedicated to consistently producing content that resonates with your audience.

4. How do I start blogging?

You need to find your niche, choose a reliable blogging platform, create a compelling blog design, and consistently update your content to engage readers.

5. What does the blogging industry require?

The blogging landscape requires strong writing skills, knowledge of SEO techniques, web traffic analytical skills, and the ability to promote your blog effectively to reach a wider audience.

6. Can you turn your blogging hobby into a full-time career?

With dedication and perseverance, it is possible to turn blogging hobby into a full-time job that is both rewarding and monetarily beneficial.

7. How can I promote my blog and connect with other writers?

Increase the blog’s traffic by connecting with readers that share similar interest and advertise your blog. You can also do guest post on other websites and collaborate on projects with fellow bloggers.

8. Why blogging requires good copywriting?

This make your posts attractive to readers, improves your search rankings, and establishes your credibility in theindustry.

Save time and money on content writing projects with AI content writers, like Article Forge.

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Blogging Struggles
Blogging Struggles
Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to make money online in recent years. Blogging Struggles is a blog about blogging. It shares how to start, run, and grow a blog online.
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Blogging Struggles

As its name suggests, Blogging Struggles is a blog about blogging. It shares how to start, run, and grow a blog online. Readers will find insightful resources, growth hacking techniques, make money online ideas, and blogging software. Learn how resilient bloggers turned, blogging struggles, hardships, and failures into blogging success.

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