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Starting A Blog for Blogging as a Business Model

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Starting a blog is an exciting business idea. But how to start one and do blogging as a business model. Here are some blogging startup tips.

Starting a business is not an easy task. You need to have a good idea, a solid business plan, and sufficient financial resources. This article will give you some useful insights on how to start a blog business.

Blogging How to Get Started? So you want to start a blog business, huh? But, is blogging considered a business? A business is an institution to sell a service and receives revenue.

Likewise, you can consider a blog as a business. Therefore, do blogging as a business model in the same way you would want to start a small business.

Blogging supply readers with informative content and make money. Entrepreneurs can make money with advertisements or by joining affiliate marketing programs. You can also set up an e-commerce store on your blog and sell physical products online.

However, blogging newbies need to be practical. They must know before blogging that it is not a walk in the park.

Do you still want to know how to start a blog? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Starting a Blog Checklist

In the following sections, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to get your blog up and running. Trust us, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. You need to follow a starting a blog checklist.

These items should be on your checklist for starting a blog. After you decide on the blog niche you will write about, you must get your blog online. Choose a blog name, register a domain name, find website hosting, and decide on a blogging platform.

01. Brainstorm Blog Content Ideas

If you want to stand out among the crowd, you’ll need to write about a topic you’re passionate about. So, you can decide on the type of posts you want to make.

Blog posts are articles that people write and then put on the internet so that other people can read them. How to brainstorm blog post ideas?

To come up with ideas for blog posts, you can think of things that interest you or that you know a lot about. Do you have any special niche areas of interest or expertise? If so, are there any specific subjects that you wish to write about?

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If you aren’t sure what to write about, read some popular blogs to gain insight into what readers like and don’t like. Look at the amazing blog posts on other blogs. What topic niche and blog post do they cover?

How to find your blogging inspiration when you feel lost? You can also do blog keyword research. Keyword research helps you to see what people are searching for online. A blog keyword generator like searches for blog topic ideas.

With thoughtful keyword research, you can find the best topics for starting a blog. You will also see if there is a topic that you want to write about that bloggers hardly or do not cover.

02. Blog Name Ideas

What can I name my blog? Before starting a business blog, you want to come up with a professional blog name. A good blog name will help improve your blog branding strategy.

How to come up with a blog name? Blog keyword generators will also help you come up with ideas for a blog name. Even if you want to do just another mummy blog, food blog, or travel blog site.

Your blog can be your full name. Many influential bloggers blog using their full names. Some bloggers blog under a pen name. A blog name can also be a made-up word or a combination of words.

Your niche research should include competitor analysis. This will help you build your blog branding and create a unique voice in the space. Niche blogs are often successful because they fill a gap in the marketplace.

Can you trademark a blog name? Yes, of course, you can if the blog domain name is unique and not registered as a trademark.

03. Blog Domain Name Registration

After you have a good blog name idea, you’ll need a domain name. This is the most practical and obvious thing to do.

A domain name will help you brand your blog and provide a website address. When you choose a domain name, make sure it’s easy to read and available to register.

Most influencer bloggers use their blog name as their domain name. Visit a website like WHOIS is a blog domain name checker.

You can check to see if your blog name idea is available for registration as a .com domain name. Of course, you can use another domain name extension besides .com, if you want to.

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If the domain name idea is available, rejoice because .com domain names are on the wane. You can visit a website like iPage or Bluehost and register the domain name.

04. Blog Website Hosting Services

Your blog needs a web hosting service provider.

Web hosts are the companies that provide space on servers to store and display blog websites. They also provide domain name registration and email services.

Web hosts ensure that bloggers’ blogs are always accessible. They provide customers with digital tools to manage and host websites online.

You should choose a platform that offers good customer support. Ensure that your hosting provider offers phone support and online help centers. They should respond to your questions.

Your chosen platform should allow you to register a domain name and design your blog. iPage and Bluehost are also website hosting companies. Besides registering the blog name, you can also host your blog with one of those website hosts.

05. Choose a Blog Platform

What is a blog platform? Blog platforms are the place where you will manage content. They allow you to write, publish, and post blog articles.

Which platform should you use for blogging? The current blogging platform for most bloggers is WordPress. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world. With over 60 million websites using it as their CMS.

They originally built WordPress as a blogging tool. It has evolved into a full-fledged content management system with many features. The CMS is open source, so anyone can use it for free.

There are thousands of plugins and themes available. Bloggers can thus customize the blog site to suit their brand.

But of course, if you wish, you can choose a different blogging platform. Some other blogging platforms besides WordPress include Blogger, Squarespace, and Medium.

06. Modern Blog Website Design

How to build a blog website from scratch? You will need to learn website coding languages like HTML or Bootstrap. The good news is that with WordPress, you do not have to build a website from scratch.

If you choose WordPress, pick a nice-looking WordPress theme, customize it, and start blogging.

Newspaper theme is one of the best WordPress themes for bloggers. There are countless other free and premium WordPress themes available. So you can pick one that suits your personal blog branding style.

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A good theme can express the type of content you’re writing about, as well as how you want people to feel. Choose a theme that’s stable, clean, and easy to customize.

For blog site design ideas, look at a few popular blogs for inspiration. While most blogs comprise posts, they also include an about page, a contact page, and an online store.

Blog pages help direct readers to the most relevant information about your product. The best design blogs are simple, user-friendly, responsive, and easy to navigate.

You can hire a professional to set up your website blog layout design. If you wish.

How to Create a Blog Editorial Calendar?

Create an editorial calendar for the blog and your first blog entry.

A blog content calendar will keep you accountable and on schedule with the blog’s content. Having a schedule will help you focus on your blogging goals.

It will help you avoid making a mistake that won’t benefit your readers. Use editorial calendars as a guide to brainstorm and plan the future of your blog.

The frequency of content is important, both for readers and search engines. Make sure you have several blog article ideas in mind before starting your blog. So that you have plenty of ideas and won’t run out of blog post ideas.

How to create a blog entry? To make a blog entry, you need to have a clear idea of what you are writing about. Before you structure your outline, do some additional research on the topic.

A good blog post starts with a great introduction. It is the first thing your readers will see, and it has to be good, or they won’t stick around for the rest of your content. Also, create headings and sub-headers for the blog article. You can write bulleted notes under each subheading. These will form the skeleton of your first blog post.

After you have written the entire blog post, proofread it carefully and add a featured image before publishing.

Your editorial calendar should include dates for making social posts. Once you publish a blog article, promote it using social media. The most obvious way to do this is through Facebook and Twitter.

But you should also explore other social media platforms. Instagram and Pinterest are two of the most popular platforms. If you use them, they can be a great source of potential readers.

Hope you enjoyed this informative article on how to start a blog and do blogging as a business model. Adam Enfroy’s how to start a blog guide provides more blog strategy ideas to do blogging as a career. His guide will show you how to start a blog step by step.

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Blogging Struggles
Blogging Struggles
Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to make money online in recent years. Blogging Struggles is a blog about blogging. It shares how to start, run, and grow a blog online.
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Blogging Struggles

As its name suggests, Blogging Struggles is a blog about blogging. It shares how to start, run, and grow a blog online. Readers will find insightful resources, growth hacking techniques, make money online ideas, and blogging software. Learn how resilient bloggers turned, blogging struggles, hardships, and failures into blogging success.

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